A privilege and obligation–Remember to VOTE!

On November 6, registered voters in the United States have the honor, privilege, and obligation to cast their votes to select leaders for our government.

Democracy is unique in that way. We have a voice in choosing those that will make important decisions within our government. Those currently in office and the new ones selected on November 6 will impact our lives and those of our children and grand children.

If you’re like me, you are probably sick of the vicious political advertisements on television and other media. I don’t watch much TV, but  my recent attempts have been met with ad after ad of rudeness and accusations as candidates smear each other with dirt.

I’ll be so glad when it’s over.

But, I’m grateful for the process–that I have a voice in choosing our leaders. Sometimes the choices aren’t very good and I’m forced to pick what I believe to be the lesser of two evils.

I have an opportunity to participate in the selection process. And…I have an obligation to do so.

By voting, we honor those men and women in our history that fought and died for our liberty, that dedicated their lives to developing our democratic government, and have defended our freedom when we have been threatened by tyranny. Not only have our veterans protected our country, many men and women believe so strongly in the cause of freedom, that they sacrifice to protect other countries.


Over 400,000 men and women died in World War II to halt the conquest of Europe and Asia by Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan. So much tragedy and so many families affected by death, injury, and trauma. That war came to our shores at Pearl Harbor, but we were blessed to never suffer an invasion. But, thankfully, by protecting others, we helped ourselves. If Europe and Asia had succumbed, it would have only been a matter of time before we were attacked again by Germany and Japan. How different our lives would be if we had been taken over by a government controlled by Adolf Hitler.

Our current men and women in the military make sacrifices, too. It’s not only the families of soldiers that do not return that suffer. No one can survive the traumatic experience of war and not be affected. Let’s remember to pray for our current military and honor our deceased and living veterans on November 11.

I voted early. Have you voted yet?

It’s not only our obligation to vote, we also need to educate ourselves so that we are knowledgeable of the candidates’ beliefs and intentions so that we can make an informed decision.

Jesus reminded us to support our government appropriately:

Give to Caesar’s what is Caesar’s and to God what is God’s.” Matthew 22:21

Of course, we owe everything to our Lord God, but that does not dismiss our obligation to our country and its inhabitants. I hope and pray that you will study the candidates, make your selection, and vote on November 6. If you’ve already voted. Thank you!