Changing direction
Since mid-June, I’ve walked five or six mornings a week on a nature trail near my house. The trail opens at 7:00 a.m. and early risers/walkers beat the heat to enjoy some exercise and quiet time with God.

Sometimes my only companions are the birds and cows.

There are many reasons why I walk–it’s good for my physical and emotional health.* I love being outside as much as possible, especially early in the morning as the sun is rising and birds are rejoicing. I feel closer to God when out in His awesome creation.
When I walk on a trail or a track, I have the habit of walking counter-clockwise. Perhaps this comes from being a physical education teacher, coach, and runner in the early years of my career. Whatever the reason, it’s the way I feel most comfortable when walking a track or a trail that loops.
The week I decided a change of direction might be good thing to do, so I walked in the opposite direction. I saw the same trail, trees, and cows, but the pictures of nature’s beauty were from an entirely new perspective.
Everything was different because I chose to change directions.
Changing directions is not always a choice…
Sometimes changing directions is hard, particularly if these changes are forced upon us. Examples may be the death of a loved one, onset of a serious illness, loss of a job, or saying goodbye to a child as he or she leaves the nest. In these times of trial and pain, we have the assurance of our Lord’s love for us.
“Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.” John 14:27
Making the right decision may require a change of direction…
Sometimes we struggle with making good decisions. We are all tempted toward sin, it is part of being human.
No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it. 1 Corinthians 10:13
God is with us through the temptation. He will help us change direction to turn away from it. Even our Lord Jesus was tempted, but He called upon God’s Word in response to the tempter:
Jesus answered, “It is written: ‘Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God’.” Matthew 4:4
The most vital change of direction–Repentance
Repentance refers to a deeply seated and thorough turning from self to God. It occurs when a radical turning to God takes place, an experience in which God is recognized as the most important fact of one’s existence. Individual believers, as well as churches, must constantly engage in self-examination, allowing the Spirit of God to point out areas where change is needed. Repentance is more than just remorse.**
Clark Palmer, Holman Illustrated Bible Dictionary
Repentance is part of our first decision to accept Jesus as our Lord and Savior, but that is not the end of repentance. Each time when a change of direction is needed to have a closer relationship with our Lord, repentance brings us back into a refreshed relationship with our God.
Repent, then, and turn to God, so that your sins may be wiped out, that times of refreshing may come from the Lord. Acts 3:19
Do you need a change of direction?
- Perhaps you’ve slipped in your intimate time with God and need to establish a regular quiet time of prayer and meditation.
- Are there relationships you need to mend? Is God nudging you to ask forgiveness? Provide forgiveness to someone else (even if they have not asked for it)?
- Is your health not where it should be? Do you need to lose a few pounds or begin a walking program to strengthen your heart?
God is with you in making those needed changes of direction. It’s a beautiful journey with Him.

Wishing you blessings on your walk with God, my friends.
*Regular physical activity and healthy nutrition habits have many health benefits for us. You can find more information on these benefits or how to begin a walking program on the Wellness Tab of my website.
**Holman Illustrated Bible Dictionary, 2003, Nashville, TN, p. 1376
You’re so right Ms. Katherine. Making changes of any kind can be challenging, but life-impacting changes require lots of time, patience, learning, and leaning. Who and what you lean on is key my friend; and I’m so glad you point out our need to lead on God. With each small step we make toward our goal, out destination, He’s there cheering us on to take the next step. Scary? Sometimes, but definitely so worth it! Well said author!
Thank you, J.D. I love your word picture that “God is cheering us on!” He knows we need that extra boost when the mountain gets too steep or the valley too deep. Thank you for your encouragement. Wishing you blessings on the Cross-Dubya. Don’t get too hot in this summer heat!
Katherine, what a beautiful post packed with wisdom! Change is sometimes difficult, but the verses you listed fortify us for various types of change. Thank you.
Thank you, Jeannie, for your kind encouragement. Yes, you are right that change can be difficult, but aren’t we blessed that God is supporting us as we try to make those positive changes? I’m thankful that our Father is just a prayer away, particularly in these stressful times. Wishing you good health, safety, and blessings.
I agree that the hardest changes of direction are the ones forced on us. It helps to remember that God is in control and guides us even when it doesn’t make sense. Thanks for posting!
Thank you for your insightful input, Joanna. I confess that during my recent family illness, I struggled with the question, “Why is this happening to my loved one?” But, you are right, God is in control and His infinite love, steadfastness, and faithfulness guide us through those hard times.
My life’s direction is veering toward a new way. Thanks for encouraging. God bless!
Thank you for visiting my blog, Nancy. I prayed for your new direction, for God’s guidance and care on your journey. May God continue to bless you.
God’s Word is our direction finder. When we walk with Him and place our feet in His footsteps we will avoid falling prey to temptation. Wise wisdom from your nature walk!
Oh, I like that description–God as our direction finder! Your recommendation that we walk in God’s footsteps reminds me of the stronger one breaking a trail through deep snow. When we would get a heavy snow, it was always much easier for me to get to the barn for chores if my husband walked there first. How much more awesome when our Father eases the way for our journey. We just need to remember to follow Him, instead of striking out on our own without His guidance. Thank you for adding your wisdom to my message.
Changing directions is often a good thing even when we don’t want to. When I look back on times I felt forced to change, in hindsight I see the changes worked together for my good. We must trust that God is with us all the way.
I agree, Candyce. When I look back on when God led me in a new direction (often I was kicking and screaming), His way was always much better than my plan. Thank you for reminding us that God is with us each step of the way on that new path.
Love Acts 3:19. Through repentance (a change of direction) our sins will be wiped out and we will be refreshed! Who doesn’t want that? Thanks for sharing!
I’m so thankful that our Father and Savior are forgiving–that the opportunity of repentance is always there for us and we are always assured of God’s steadfast faithfulness. Wishing you continued blessings in your ministry, Melanie.
Walking is one of my favorite ways to change my perspective. Your post dovetails into mine this week.
Walking works for me, too. Although I can’t solve all the world’s problems on a three mile walk, I can receive some powerful guidance from our Creator to help me work through a few of my own! Happy walking, Jeanne!