Enjoy every season of life

By the calendar, it’s still winter…



But, we know spring is coming. Flowers will celebrate in a colorful profusion of beauty, trees will dress in their new wardrobe of varying hues of green and birds will lift their voices in joyful chorus that the new season has arrived.



I always look forward to spring–seeing tiny green leaves grow to maturity, nurturing flowers as they spring from the earth, while rejoicing in their beauty, planting a garden, riding horses…

God made each season as part of His creation. Do you have a favorite?

It was you who set all the boundaries of the earth; you made both summer and winter. Psalm 74:17

But, I confess–I don’t like mosquitoes, horse flies and ticks. I don’t enjoy springtime allergies, sunburn and working in the hay field. Every season has its beauty as well its challenges and there is much to appreciate about each unique season. And, while some seasons may begin earlier or later than we expect due to changes in the weather, we can depend upon those changes of the season (based on where we live).

“As long as the earth endures, seed time and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night will never cease.” Genesis 8:22

Have you ever wished for a certain season of your life to pass more quickly? When I was younger, I wanted to hurry and finish school so I could get a job and be independent. Then I wanted to hurry and get married and start a family. As my children grew, I felt compelled to advance in my career. Each stage of my life, I looked forward to the next season, never fully appreciating the joy of living in the moment.

Sometimes in the rush of life, I forgot to see the loveliness of the present. Do you have that struggle? Is life moving too fast for you to treasure the gift of each day?



The Lord sends us blessings in every season of life. Just as every season has its beauty and its trials, I need to remember that each season of life has wonderful moments to treasure.

I will make them and the places surrounding my hill a blessing. I will send down showers in season; there will be showers of blessing. Ezekiel 34:26



There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens: Ecclesiastes 3:1

My friend, I pray that you are blessed this day and each season to come. Remember to treasure the present!





  1. Katherine, thank you for this. I love:

    “Sometimes in the rush of life, I forgot to see the loveliness of the present. ”

    So true. God wants us to see Him in each moment. To know His presence each day. He walks with us through every season. What a comfort.

    1. Katherine Pasour says:

      Jeanne, Now, if we could only remember God’s promise to be with us every step of our journey. I’m praying for each of us to be able to trust Him; to realize that He is the God of the small things as well as the BIG stuff. Thanks so much for stopping by with your encouraging message.

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