Forever Free

This week, I’m excited and honored to have Hope Toler Dougherty as my guest. I first met Hope at a writer’s conference at Topsail Beach (I love beach retreats). Hope is a talented author and has published many books since we met all those years ago (I won’t say how many years). I’ve been following the Forever Series and have enjoyed each one. Forever Free is Book 4–and it’s great.

There’s a wonderful recipe below–along with how you can connect with Hope–how to order a book–AND there’s a give-away, too!

Here’s Hope!

Forever Free

Heath Daniels is the last sibling in the Daniels clan to get his own story in the Forever Series. For several years, he’s watched Josie, Ben, and Sam couple up while he’s remained single on the sidelines. I was hesitant to begin telling his story because he hadn’t given me much to work with. Heath interacted with his family sparingly and seemed a bit set apart from them. He was also very closed mouth about his occupation, tastes, pastimes…everything.

Grudgingly, he released those missing pieces bit by tiny bit.

At the beginning of Forever Free, Heath feels like the black sheep in the family. In the high achieving Daniels clan, he’s the one who dropped out of college, the one who struggled with substance abuse, the one who feels less than.

Guilt from an early tragedy along with bad choices play important parts in Heath’s personality. Phoebe Sinclair has her hands full nurturing her cut flower farm, plus she also has to deal with a cute, but distant employee, the mysterious Heath.

I enjoyed getting to know Heath and watching his growth from the sullen, misunderstood character to the confident businessperson who wants Phoebe to achieve her dream. I hope you’ll enjoy his story, too.

Here’s a recipe Phoebe bakes for her grandfather in Forever Free. I’m not sure why it’s called Swedish Nut Cake, but I’m sure it’s delicious.

Swedish Nut Cake

Ingredients for cake:                    Ingredients for icing:                                      
2 C flour                                                          1 8 oz pkg creamed cheese
1 ¾ C sugar                                                     1/2 stick butter
2 eggs                                                              1 t vanilla
2 t baking soda                                                1 ½ C powdered sugar, sifted
1 t vanilla
½ chopped nuts
1 20 oz. can crushed pineapple with juice

Mix all ingredients for cake and bake in a greased 9×13 pan at 350 degrees for 30-40 minutes. For icing, mix all ingredients and frost the cooled cake. Store in the refrigerator.

About Hope:

Hope Toler Dougherty holds a Master’s degree in English and taught at East Carolina University and York Technical College. Her early novels are Irish Encounter, Mars…With Venus Rising, and Rescued Hearts. Hope’s Forever series includes Forever Music, Forever Home, “A Hatteras Surprise,” featured in Candy Cane Wishes and Saltwater Dreams, and Forever Free.

She and husband Kevin delight in visits with their two daughters and twin sons. 

Connect with Hope


Hope Toler Dougherty Readers Page | Facebook
Hope Toler Dougherty (@hopetolerdougherty) | Instagram

Hope Toler Dougherty (Author of Irish Encounter) | Goodreads

Link to order Forever Free from Amazon

Give Away!

I have a copy of Forever Free to share with one lucky reader. Please leave a comment to enter the drawing.

Wishing you a blessed day and happy reading!


    1. Katherine Pasour says:

      I agree, Melissa. Hope is a talented author and her books are delightful. Thanks for stopping by.

  1. J.D. Wininger says:

    Can’t honestly say that I’ve read Ms. Hope’s books, just not my genre, but I know she’s a wonderful writer. Besides that, her son is/was a “snake eater” and that makes her a treasure in my book. I’ve always had the utmost respect for “Operator Mamas”, they raise ’em right.

    1. Katherine Pasour says:

      J.D., I’ve eaten rattlesnake, but I’m not sure that’s what you mean by “snake eater.” Are you going to explain? You’re right–Hope is a treasure!

    2. Thank you, J.D.! Yes, I have twin Army captains, one with a Ranger tab in the Infantry and one in Artillery who’ll begin the FAO track in the fall. I’m glad you read the post!

  2. Martha W Stultz says:

    Haven’t read any of Hope’s books but they sound very good. Going to see if library has her books. Thanks for sharing. Always look forward to your post each week.

    1. Katherine Pasour says:

      Hope’s books are excellent, Martha. Hope you find them in the library, not sure if our local libraries have them, but you could request. I know readers will enjoy. Thank you for that wonderful suggestion.

    2. Thank you for reading the post, Martha. If your library doesn’t carry my books, you can always request that they order them!

  3. I haven’t read Hope’s books but they sound interesting. Thanks for sharing.

    1. Katherine Pasour says:

      Thank you for stopping by, Lisa. Hope’s books are Christian based, focus on real world issues, feature compelling characters, and are delightful contemporary novels. I think you will enjoy!

  4. Hi Hope! So nice to “hear” you on Katherine’s blog 🙂 You’ve always been a great inspiration to me in my own writing journey. Great job with this latest! I know the transformative message evidenced by these characters will encourage your readers.

    1. Katherine Pasour says:

      Thank you, Mary. I concur with your thoughts–Hope is an inspiration for us as writers and I know she is in her daily life as well. Forever Free and the previous books in the Forever Series most definitely are encouraging and uplifting.

  5. It’s amazing how the characters speak up in different times and places. It’s amazing how a story unfolds and the “creator” of it isn’t always positive that it will go in a certain direction.

    1. Katherine Pasour says:

      I like your analysis, Nancy. When we identify with the characters of books, we are impacted by their values and actions. Heath and Phoebe are “real” and they have much to inspire us. Thank you for sharing your thoughts.

  6. You’ve turned me on to a new author. Hope’s books sound like ones I’d enjoyed reading.
    Thank you for sharing the word, Katherine.

    1. Katherine Pasour says:

      I believe you will enjoy Hope’s books, Candyce. She has the Forever Series in addition to several earlier novels. I’ve read most of them and they’re entertaining, uplifting, and inspiring. Thank you for stopping by.

  7. Sounds like a series I would enjoy. Thanks for sharing about it here, Katherine and Hope.

    1. Katherine Pasour says:

      I think you would enjoy Forever Free and the three previous books in the Forever Series, Annie. Thank you for your kind encouragement.

  8. Wow sounds so wonderful and I can’t wait to try the recipe. Thanks Katherine for sharing about Hope and her book.

    1. Katherine Pasour says:

      I think you’ll enjoy Hope’s books and her recipes, Yvonne. You can visit her website to download more yummy recipes. Wishing you a blessed week!

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