Lessons from Berry

Yesterday Berry went to the doctor.

Actually, Berry went to the veterinarian for a shot.


Berry is a cat. She doesn’t like going to the vet or getting a shot. (She doesn’t even like to have her picture taken).

Sort of like us, right? We don’t like visits to the doctor or shots. We may be camera shy, too.

Berry was a trooper, though. She really resisted getting into the cat carrier (she knows bad things happen when she’s put into the cage). But she only cried a little. She was good for the doctor and technician–no scratching or trying to run away. When we got home, she wasn’t mad at me. She purred and wrapped herself around my leg when I let her out of the carrier.

So, what lessons did I learn from Berry on our trip to the vet?

Bad things will happen to us sometimes–but, we just have to make the best of it, learn from it and try to move on.

Sometimes we have some advance warning of those trials–we can choose to moan, groan, scream, yell or whine OR we can put on our big girl (kitten) britches and bravely go forward.

Sometimes people do things to us that hurt, but those things might be for our own good–to protect our health, help us learn from our mistakes or prepare us for a bigger trial to come.

We shouldn’t hold grudges. Bad things will happen–we will get hurt, but we should forgive those who hurt us. Even if the pain they inflicted is intentional, we should still forgive.

We should always count our blessings and look for the positive. Even in painful situations, we can often find a blessing.

It may seem silly that I learned lessons from an eight pound, very fluffy feline. But, Berry is a very smart cat. She lives in our barn, keeps the mice under control and has managed to make friends with Heidi.

Do your pets teach you lessons? Has God granted you wisdom through His awesome creation?

All this also comes from the Lord Almighty, whose plan is wonderful, whose wisdom is magnificent. Isaiah 28:29


  1. I love that you took a seemingly mundane part of your day – though I guess if Berry had put up a fight, it wouldn’t have been quite so mundane – and saw God through that situation and then shared that takeaway with us. Such important lessons you learned from an ordinary trip to the veterinarian! As you well know, I love to gain wisdom through one of His creations. And, Isaiah 28:29 goes so perfectly with your post….a great verse indeed!

    1. Katherine Pasour says:

      You are right–it would have been a lot worse if Berry had decided she wasn’t going to the veterinarian. Julie, I’m blessed to have you as “my sister in nature.” We love those gifts God shares with us on our walks, whether it be slopping through the mud to feed the horses (me) or your daily nature Walk with God. There’s such much beauty and wisdom in God’s Creation.

  2. Katherine, I love the lessons God teaches us as we walk with Him each day. My mom would have said “Amen” to your observations about Berry. When she was sick and incapacitated she’d say, “I’ll be better tomorrow. There are folks with worse problems than mine.” Your post reminded me to watch for lessons in difficult times. Thank you.

    1. Katherine Pasour says:

      Jeannie, every time I meet you or visit your blog, your beautiful smile blesses me. Now, I know the inspiration (besides your great love for Jesus) that has led you to be such a joyful inspiration to others. Your mother continues to be a wonderful role model of God’s love. Thanks for blessing me, my friend.

  3. Katherine, Yes! My kitty cats teach me things all the time. I’m so glad to know I’m not the only “crazy cat lady.” Lol! I have two furry babies named Holly and Jojo. My Jo looks a lot like your Berry. I’ll share a pic with you.
    My cats are quite attuned to me. They lay at my feet and purr when I sing to the Lord. They also know when I’m not feeling well. But something they teach is an attitude of gratitude. They rub and tell me each day how grateful they are just to be with me. In turn, I pet them as I thank the Lord for the many blessings He showers me with.

    1. Katherine Pasour says:

      Yes, I agree that our pets know exactly how we’re feeling. I remember once when I was very upset about something and took a walk in an attempt to get myself together. I collapsed in a heap beside a little stream and my dog lay down beside me and put her head in my lap. She stayed with me until the tears stopped flowing. They don’t judge us–they just share their love. Isn’t God’s Creation absolutely awesome beyond words?

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