Look forward to the fruity gummies
On Sunday morning (New Year’s Eve), it was my turn to to share the children’s message at our church. We have a talkative group that loves to participate so they keep me on my toes. Ages range from two to ten–it isn’t always easy to choose a topic relevant to all. I think they mostly look forward to the fruity gummies, animal crackers, or goldfish they get as a treat when we finish.
We discussed something relevant to all of us–young and old alike–setting a goal of being kind in 2024. As I retold the story of the Good Samaritan, I think the children recognized the difference in the behavior of the “bad guys” who attacked and robbed the traveler and the “good guy” who rescued and cared for the injured traveler. I asked them to consider this example of kindness described by Jesus, and how they could show kindness to their family, classmates, and teachers. Their eyes didn’t completely glaze over but the eager anticipation they exhibited might have been for the fruity gummies.
Do you have goals for 2024?
I’m not mentioning the “resolution” word–Oops, I said it. For the children, I used the term “goals,” explaining how we adults sometimes select an action or behavior to work on that helps us or helps someone else.
Being kind is an example of such an action.
Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you. (Ephesians 4:32)
So, do you have goals for 2024? Something you want to change to make your life or someone else’s life better?
If so, I encourage you to prayerfully consider your goals, being careful to analyze whether they are within your reach. Sometimes we set goals that are too challenging for the short time frame we’ve allowed ourselves. We often become discouraged and give up.
Never give up on the goals God sets for you
I believe all things are possible with God, but to achieve our goals, we need to be in His will. That’s where our prayers for change make a difference in our ability to succeed.
And it’s important to remember that our Father’s time frame may be different than ours.
Look forward to your “gummies”
Just as my children on Sunday morning were considering the end results (getting their treat of gummies or crackers), we need to carefully examine what we’re striving toward. Our ultimate treasure is our eternal home with our Savior, but each day we’re given is a step along our pathway with Him.
Each new day is a gift on our journey of life. A New Year is an opportunity to use each of those days in service to our Lord and His children.

Katherine, I love your unique perspective on goal setting. Sometimes we’re so short-sighted we forget to intentionally take steps to meet goals and obey God. I appreciate these words: “Each new day is a gift on our journey of life. A New Year is an opportunity to use each of those days in service to our Lord and His children.”
Thank you, Jeannie. I’m grateful for your encouragement. I just pray I can “practice what I preach” and put these words into action in 2024 and beyond. Happy New Year!
What a great way to present this concept to children Ms. Katherine. Helped us “big kids” too. I’m not much for resolution pronouncements, but I think a goal for every year is to grow closer to God, and in the process become more like His Son. While I want my “gummies” (to be taken up to glory) soon, I lament that I have such a long way to go to become the man God wants me to be. Praying you a blessing-filled new year ma’am.
I understand your lament completely, J.D., because I share that concern for myself. I have so far to go, but when I reflect I can recognize how far He has brought me from the woman I used to be. I’m so grateful for our Father’s mercy, patience, grace, and love. I pray we can continue to draw closer to our Savior on our journey. May He continue to bless you and your family.
Thanks for the lesson, Katherine. I think I would enjoy your children’s sermons, although I don’t like gummies. I’ll have animal crackers or Goldfish, please. Seriously, thank you for your ministry to the children and to us.
I’m with you on that, Diana, I don’t like gummies either. We’ll take crackers, please! Thank you for your kind encouragement. Wishing you continued blessings in your ministry at home and to us.
The word resolution is over used and under realized. Thanks for pointing out that goals can be set and realized. Gummies are good but eternal rewards will be great. That’s a visual that I’ll remember. Happy New Year Katherine.
Lisa, I agree with you on those resolutions–they’re made to be broken and unachieved. Thank you for your encouragement and for being a wonderful role model of caring and service. Wishing you much joy 2024.
I love this children’s lesson, good for adults, too!
Thank you for your kind words of encouragement, Priscilla. May God continue to bless your writing and ministry during 2024. Wishing you joy and blessings.
This is a wonderful lesson for children and adults alike.
Your statement, “Never give up on the goals God sets for you,” is a needed reminder to invite God to guide us in our personal goal setting.
I’m sure your young audience received many important takeaways that morning, as well as the adults.
I don’t have the children’s message every Sunday, but it seems that the guidance given in those brief messages that others share is always very meaningful. Sometimes brief is best, whether for adults or children (although our pastor’s messages are very meaningful, too). Happy New Year, Connie and family.
“Gummie” goals are wonderful — and kindness is one of the best ones we can set no matter how old we are. I pray for God to help me be a kinder, more compassionate person each day.
I’m praying that same prayer, Leigh, because sometimes that not so nice person inside me pops out. I need our Lord’s help in keeping that person hidden and quiet so that the light of Jesus can shine through from me to others in kindness. Wishing you a healthy, happy, and blessed 2024.
Love this message Katherine. We can learn from the young ones. 🙂 Have a blessed day!
Melissa, I think you and I both learn a lot from our grandchildren. We are truly blessed. Wishing you a Happy New Year and many more joyful days with your grands.
Thank you Katherine. Great message for the beginning of this new year!
Thank you, Sylvia. I pray 2024 is a wonderful year for you, with much joy and happiness.
I never set resolutions for a new year. It always feels like I’m setting myself up for failure. However, I love the thought that God sets goals for me. Those goals I can embrace even if I don’t always hit the mark. Happy New Year, Katherine.
I often miss the mark myself, Terri, but I think our Father blesses our attempts. He guides and encourages and sometimes sets us onto a better path of service to Him. We are so blessed by His faithfulness. Wishing you much joy and happiness in 2024.
You gave a great object lesson here that is great to share with children in a “here a little, there a little” moment Isaiah speaks about. Using a scripture as a reference for a goal frames our purposes in ways to keep us focused.
In these busy times (I keep thinking I won’t be so busy if I just finish this “next” thing), it’s sometimes hard to stay focused on God and His plan. I need those reminders to “Turn My Eyes Upon Jesus” instead of the worldly tasks. Thank you for you encouragement, Marilyn. So glad your book launch is going so well. Hope for Widows is so helpful and inspiring, no matter where we are on our grief journey.
A beautiful message for the New Year. Thanks, Katherine. I did set goals this year and they aren’t as writing/worked focused as usual. But they will help me seek and find God’s will for me right now.
I’ve also tried to set some goals and hopes apart from writing. I’ll be praying for us as we seek a closer relationship with our Lord. Wishing you good health, happiness, and many blessings in 2024.
Wonderful lesson for all of us. And if we live our lives with the fruits of the spirit as a central part then we can look forward to our rewards at the end. Thank you for sharing Katherine. Happy New Year
“Live our lives with the fruits of the Spirit.” That’s my hope and prayer for 2024 and beyond. Thank you for sharing hope and encouragement, Yvonne. May God continue to bless you in service to Him. Happy 2024!
Katherine, you’ve provided the idea for a worthy prayer as 2024 begins, “Father, what is YOUR goal for me in this new year? What would you have me focus on?” I think that’s a prayer he’ll be glad to answer!
I agree, Nancy. Thank you for sharing this prayer. I just asked God to help me with those answers. Wishing you many blessings in 2024.
“I believe all things are possible with God, but to achieve our goals, we need to be in His will.” Katherine, I think following the Spirit’s lead in our lives means we’ll have His power. Love how you presented this!
Thank you, Debbie. I agree–it’s imperative that we follow the Holy Spirit’s lead in all we do. Wishing you a happy and blessed 2024.