Part of a team, too
Last week, the first segment of this message delved into strategies Jesus used to choose His disciples, two of which were Planning and Organization. This week, I emphasize skills Jesus implemented in His ministry–gifts also granted to us–being a leader and a follower. Part of a team, too.
In the picture introducing this blog, we find the Blue Angels, an amazing aerial flying team. Their performances are spectacular, keeping observers on the edge of their seats with the aircraft’s daring maneuvers. The team is an extraordinary example of the skills of leading and following. The team exemplifies how trust, determination, skill, and practice combine to create astonishing results.
Christian leadership
Jesus led His team
- Jesus taught lessons with extraordinary skill, using stories (parables) to provide examples people could identify with.
- His knowledge of Scripture demonstrated the importance of studying God’s Word.
- Jesus stood up for what was right, seeking His Father’s will and guidance.
- Using behaviors that showed His righteousness, faithfulness, and trustworthiness, Jesus demonstrated how His followers should live and serve.
As a leader, Jesus demonstrated the ideal role model for us to follow:
Jesus healed those who were suffering.
A widow’s only son died. When the Lord saw her, his heart went out to her and he said, “Don’t cry.” (Luke 7:13)
Jesus commanded the son to get up–and he did. The widow’s son was healed!
Love one another
We are called to love others as Jesus loves us. Jesus sacrificed His life for us. What greater love can there be?
“A new command I give you; Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.” (John 13:34-35)
How can we show our love to others? We don’t need to sacrifice our lives (although we should be thankful to our medical workers, our military, firefighters, and law enforcement personnel who put their lives in danger for us). But we can sacrifice our time and financial support to help those in need.
Love our enemies
This one is tough, but we’re called to do it. Jesus tells us how we can accomplish this challenge.
Jesus said, “But I tell you: Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, that you may be sons of your Father in heaven. (Matthew 5:44)
Pray! Not just for friends, family, and loved ones–Pray for our enemies. Be an example for others. Take the lead in demonstrating the traits of Jesus to others. Share His love with others.
Leaders and followers
As a high school student, I played basketball. Like many athletes, I began as a second string player. There, I gained experience, being led by our coach and older team members as I improved my skill and worked my way up to first string.

Image by Keith Johnston from Pixabay
I needed to be both a leader and a follower to be a good team member.
We’re not necessarily born leaders or followers, but we can learn to be both as needed.
Jesus exemplified both actions–leading and following
Some examples of leadership emulated by Jesus for us, are discussed above. As a follower, Jesus strived to do His Father’s will in every situation. Can you share other examples of how Jesus demonstrated leadership?
Jesus sought guidance through prayer.
He withdrew about a stone’s throw beyond them, knelt down and prayed, “Father, if you are willing, take this cup from me; yet not my will, but yours be done.” (Luke 22:41-42)
Jesus followed through on the direction He received from His Father.
The disciples of Jesus also demonstrated followship and leadership.
- They followed Jesus when called.
- The disciples listened and learned from the Master.
- Prior to His ascension into Heaven, Jesus challenged the disciples to move into leadership roles.
We are called to do the same as the disciples–be leaders and followers–according to His guidance.
We’re part of Team Jesus, too.
May God bless on your journey, my friends. Thank you for being both followers and leaders in His service.
I’ve been reminded recently about the power of example, as you pointed out. Others are watching us as we live out the Gospel; we’re making an impact one way or another. Knowing this, I want to be more intentional–as Jesus was–about what kind of example I am. You’ve given us some good points to follow.
Thank you for pointing out the importance of being a good role model for others. I believe that our actions are one of the most impacting ways of sharing the love of Jesus with others. As the old saying goes, “Actions speak louder than words.” Thank you for sharing your thoughts. Peace and blessings.
Loving this series Ms. Katherine. To be a good leader, we must first (and continue to be) a good follower. I know that may sound confusing to some but I’ve always believed that as a leader (and I’ll use the workplace here), a big part of my job was to “train my replacement so they’ll do a better job than I did.” To accomplish that, it meant I had to let go of the reins and let them learn to lead. The best way I knew to do that was to allow them to experience leadership by making myself the best “follower” I could be. It said I had confidence in them, I believed in them, and I supported them. In the end, I found that I was also helping make them better team members.
When we’ve been in leadership roles, it is often a challenge to let go and let others lead. But as you point out, it is vital for leaders to step back to give others the opportunity to experience and grow in leadership roles. You’ve been such a wonderful example of that for others. I know your co-workers benefitted greatly from your mentorship. Thank you for sharing your wisdom and encouragement, my friend. Blessings.
Loved this, Katherine.
Thanks so much for your encouragement, Priscilla. Wishing you a blessed day.
Christianity is filled with paradox. Die to self to live. Lead by serving. Love our enemies. May we shine His light to show others who He is. God bless, Katherine.
You expressed your thoughts so beautifully–right to the foundation of our Christian faith. Thank you, Nancy. May God bless you as you shine your light in service to Him.
Whether leaders or followers, may we always follow Jesus’ example. Thank you, Katherine.
That’s it, Diana, may we always follow Jesus. Thank you for being a light for Him.
Jesus is the perfect leader, without fault. We can follow Him with absolute trust that He will never lead us wrong! Falling under the God-given leadership of humans can sometimes be a challenge, nevertheless, it’s biblical. Husbands, Pastors, church leaders, teachers, coaches, and bosses are leaders to follow for order and productivity. I’ve led myself but not without human error. I think most of us experience following throughout our life and leadership at times. This is good teaching Katherine, thanks for sharing.
I’ve led with human error, too, Lisa. I’m so thankful our Father grants us second chances (and more) and mentors us in the leadership roles He calls us to. Thankful He mentors us in the fellowship roles, too. Blessings!
Jesus is the best example of great leadership because He was also a servant. He told His disciples that to be first they must be last. Thanks for sharing this lesson about what true leaders really are.
I absolutely agree, Barbara. We are called to be servants, too, and blessed to have Jesus as our role model. Thank you for your support and encouragement.
Leading and following. I like your emphasis on them both. Following Jesus closely is the best kind of leadership. Thanks Katherine.
I love the way you said that, Sylvia–“Following Jesus closely is the best kind of leadership.” So true. May God continue to bless your ministry of service to Him. Your writing is such a blessing.
Indeed, Jesus was the model leader for His followers in the First Century as well as for us today.
Another way He showed leadership was by boldly standing up to opposition. Without wavering, He called out the Jewish leaders who challenged Him.
Gratefully, after Pentecost His disciples were filled with His own Spirit and were able to do likewise, and so can we. God help us.
Great lesson here, Katherine. Thank you.
Connie, you are right in reminding us that Jesus equips us to stand up for what is right. He is with us through those challenges. Our disciples are wonderful examples of the power of the Holy Spirit. Wishing you joy and blessings.
Not all leaders are good followers, but great leaders are. It’s crucial. Jesus provides the perfect role model for leadership. What’s impacts me most has always been his servant leadership model.
I agree, Candyce. Great leaders are good followers. We are blessed to have so many leaders who’ve gone before us that demonstrated how to be good leaders and followers. And as you point out, Jesus is our best example of a servant leader. Thank you for sharing your thoughts.
I agree, Candyce, and pray He will guide us to be good role models, too, although I know I fall short. Thank you for your ministry and being a role model for us through your writing and your example of Christian love.
This is a great reminder for me too. Learning to be a good follower is essential to leadership. And in our faith life, we are always part of the body (team) of Christ so must work together for His purposes. Thanks Katherine
Jesus led his team and was the perfect role model for leading and following. Aren’t we blessed to now be a part of His team? Thank you, Yvonne, for being a role model for so many. May God continue to bless your ministry.
I think of Jesus saying “if you’ve seen me, you’ve seen the father”. I wonder if people could say the same of me. Blessings Katherine.
Our friend J.D. Wininger had a wonderfully inspiring blog this week in which he asked the question, “What would Jesus find me doing if He came back right now?” His message really made me think and question, “Am I demonstrating my walk with Christ in every aspect of my life?” Your comment again brought that question to my mind. Sounds like God’s sending me a message. Thank you, Terri. Peace and blessings.
I love being a part of Team Jesus!
Amen, LuAnn! Thank you for being a role model for His service. Blessings!
It’s important to know when (and how) to lead effectively and when to humbly follow. In either role, God has great lessons for us to learn. Great thoughts, Katherine!
Sometimes it’s hard to switch roles (leader to follower or follower to leader). I’m so glad our Lord guides us on our journey. Blessings!
Following Jesus is such an amazing journey, and you have some great insights into how we can be leaders and followers as He was. Thank you, Katherine.
Thank you for your encouragement, Kathy, and for your role in showing us how to be a leader and follower in serving our Lord. Saw that snow you received recently. Beautiful!