Run away!

This past Thursday, as still powerful remnants of Hurricane Debby approached our community, I decided to move my horses back to their night pasture earlier than usual. Winds increased as I ventured forth and a few fat rain drops reminded me I may have waited too long. As I approached my equines, turbulent clouds released their heavy load. Peaches lifted her head, stared at me, and signaled to her pasture buddy, “Run away!”

Off they went, in the opposite direction from where we needed to go. Already drenched, I fumed and fussed as I marched back toward a shed. I was soaked to the skin within seconds.

Run away!

One of our best known examples of “running away” is Jonah. God called to Jonah to minister to the people of Nineveh. But Jonah answered God’s command by running away:

But Jonah ran away from the LORD and headed for Tarshish. He went down to Joppa, where he found a ship bound for that port. After paying the fare he went aboard and sailed to Tarshish to flee from the LORD. (Jonah 1:3)

Flee from the LORD? Is that possible?

Jonah went to a lot of trouble in an attempt to escape God’s command. Have you ever run away from God’s calling? Have you tried to flee from the LORD’s command?

What is a command?

Is there a difference between a calling or command, when it comes to a message from God?

I’ve always viewed a command as something we must do–the Ten Commandments are a good example.

However, I’ve considered a calling as more of a strong nudging to follow a vocation or purpose God has placed on our heart.

Another way of explanation could be a command is something from someone in authority that we must obey–either as a civil or moral law.

Whereas a calling is an ongoing action of service to others.

What do you think? Please feel free to offer your thoughts on calling/commandment in the comments below. (Here’s an interesting and inspiring article I read this week about answering our call).

Back to Jonah

We know that we cannot successfully run away from God. He is everywhere and sees everything.

What was Jonah thinking?

Perhaps he was thinking the same thing we do sometimes, that . . .

  • God doesn’t keep up with everything I’m doing.
  • Maybe God’s not really calling me to do a certain thing.
  • I cannot serve God in that capacity–I don’t have the knowledge and experience to do what He’s asking.
  • I’ll let somebody else do it. God will find someone else better equipped than me.

But God didn’t give up on Jonah. A storm threatened the lives of the sailors on the boat and Jonah confessed His flight from His God. Jonah insisted he must be tossed into the sea to save the crew. After being swallowed by a giant fish and spit up, Jonah (with great reluctance) went to Nineveh to complete God’s directive.

God doesn’t give up on us either.

My errant horses

After the torrential rain slowed, I trudged through the softer downpour to retrieve drenched, subdued equines. They were now eager to be caught and head back to the barn for supper. Meanwhile I grumbled and fussed at them all the way to the nighttime pasture.

They had run because they were frightened by the wind and torrential rain. Sometimes we’re afraid, too, aren’t we?

How often do we run because we’re frightened of a task our Lord is calling us to do for His kingdom. He will call again if we refuse, but it’s easier, I think, to answer His call earlier (rather than being swallowed by a fish–or some other reminder that God is serious when He call us.)

We know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. (Romans 8:28)

Is God calling (or commanding) you today? Please let me know how I can pray for you. Wishing you a blessed day.

My two girls looking innocent but likely thinking of ways to torment me


  1. A thought-provoking post, Katherine. I think even as Christians sometimes we listen to worldly wisdom when God is commanding OR nudging us to do otherwise.

    1. Katherine Pasour says:

      I agree, Priscilla. We’re vulnerable to peer pressure, society’s whims, darts from the enemy no matter our age. But we have the full armor of God to shield and protect us. Thank you for sharing your thoughts and for your witness of service to our Lord.

  2. Thank you for this message. I’m thankful to know that even when I try to run away from a tough situation, God knows what I need and He is there to guide me along the way. His path is always the best. Have a blessed week! 🙂

    1. Katherine Pasour says:

      Melissa, we are so blessed to have a loving Lord who is always ready to listen and respond to our call for help. He knows what’s going to happen and is often right there with us when we’re unsure of our next step. Thanks so much for sharing joy and love with your words and your smile. May your week be filled with sunshine and happiness (and a visit from those precious grandchildren).

  3. I’m glad God keeps nudging us and never leaves. We know His way is best but we do sometimes delay or avoid His will because we are afraid. Thanks for sharing this inspiring post!

    1. Katherine Pasour says:

      Yes, Barbara, you’ve said it so well–“we sometimes delay or avoid His will because we are afraid.” I’ve been there and done that. I’m so thankful He is patient with us and His grace, mercy, and love grants us another chance.

  4. Yvonne Morgan says:

    I’ve tried to run away from God calling me in the past due to fear so I can relate to your analogy with your horses. And then I learned God had a better plan. I wish the horses had learned that sooner. Glad everyone was safe, Katherine

    1. Katherine Pasour says:

      God’s plan is always best. I wish I had learned that lesson earlier in life. Thank you for your good wishes and encouragement, Yvonne. Wishing you a blessed week.

  5. I’m so thankful God doesn’t give up on us, Katherine. Blessings on your writing. Keep nudging and encouraging.

    1. Katherine Pasour says:

      I’m thankful, too, Diana. Our loving Father has been so patient with me. His grace, mercy, and love extend beyond my ability to comprehend. May He continue to bless your ministry as you model His great love for others through your service.

  6. Beautiful message, Katherine. Nice distinction between command and calling. And yes, we do run, too often, when we’re afraid.

    Thanks, and God bless!

    1. Katherine Pasour says:

      Yes, we run, but He is right there when we come to our senses (or become desperate). We’re so blessed. Wishing you a wonderful week, Nancy.

  7. Wendy Dellinger says:

    Good thoughts, Katherine, thanks for this timely reminder. I’ve ‘run away’ from God’s call or assignment sometimes because of discouragement. Probably like your point of ‘there’s someone else better equipped for this’—yet, God has always sent some kind of encouragement to help me stay the course. So, so glad He is patient with our weaknesses and fears! Blessings ~ Wendy

    1. Katherine Pasour says:

      Thank you for sharing your thoughts, Wendy. Yes–I think discouragement is often the reason we run away from God–I know I’ve run and hidden for that reason at times. I’m thankful our loving Father doesn’t give up on us. He’s always there with a helping hand, arms of protection, and some firm urging when we need it. Peace and blessings!

  8. Kim Teague says:

    Thank you for this post, Katherine. I can picture your horses soaked and subdued and ready to listen! But even though they ran, you were there waiting–a great reminder of how our Father patiently waits and doesn’t give up on us. He is faithful to call us and be with us in the calling. I’m so grateful for that. Blessings to you!

    1. Katherine Pasour says:

      Your message is so kind and encouraging, Kim. Yes, I waited on my horses, but I was grumpy. God grants us grace and forgiveness when we mess up. Thank you for reminding me to practice grace with others (including my horses) when I’m impatient. Wishing you joy, sunshine, and blessings!

  9. What a sweet picture of your babies, Katherine! Thank you for this thought-provoking post. I liked your description of a command versus a calling. For me, I spend too much time here: Maybe God’s not really calling me to do a certain thing. Maybe I misheard Him or never heard Him to start with. When there, I keep praying and asking Him for direction. If I listen, I will hear His response.

    1. Katherine Pasour says:

      LuAnn, I struggle distinguishing what I “think” God is calling me to do and what I “want” to do. That’s probably the reason I get so overwhelmed with my “to do” list. I identify with your discernment issue, too–“Maybe God’s not really calling me to do a certain thing.” I think I use that when it’s not something I really want to do. I’m so thankful our loving Father is patient with us.

  10. I’ve been a Johah before for sure, and have procrastinated answering God’s call. Loved your imagined thought process for Johan – it sure sounds familiar.

    1. Katherine Pasour says:

      I expect, if we’re honest with ourselves, we’ve all been a “Jonah” before and run away from God’s calling. But, hopefully, we also (like Jonah) answered God’s call with a “yes.” I confess to sometimes responding with a VERY grumpy, “yes.” Wishing you a blessed week, Candyce, with lots of sunshine.

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