Taking a break

We’re entering a busy season–are you ready? Does the hustle and bustle of December sometimes become overwhelming? Like me, do you find it hard to complete everything on your to-do list? Have thoughts of taking a break crossed your mind?

I’ve always loved Christmas–do you? What’s your favorite part of the season?

My Christmas joys:

  • Giving to others
  • Serving
  • Sights and sounds of the season
  • Celebrating with family

Of course, the most important aspect of the Christmas season is our celebration of the birth of Jesus, our Lord and Savior.

When it becomes overwhelming

But sometimes we get stretched too thin–there’s not enough of us to go around. This month, there’s not enough of me.

Jesus said, “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” (Matthew 11:28-30)

I’ve recognized that my December is overbooked–a community concert (I’m a choir member); our church dinner theater (I’m author, director, actor in the play and organizer of the meals); several speaking engagements; oral surgery; and CHRISTMAS.

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It’s time to shorten my to-do list.

Taking a break

Dear friends, I’m taking the rest of December off from blogging and social media.

I will miss you all. For those of you who read my weekly blogs and support my work as an author with your thoughts, prayers, and encouragement–thank you!

For many of you, I read your blogs regularly . . . I will miss the inspiration and hope you give to me each week. Thank you for sharing the love of Christ with others through your words.

I pray that each of you has a wonderful December, a joyous Christmas, and the chance to slow down enough to experience the peace and love the season brings.

I’ll be back with you in 2025! Happy New Year!

PS–If you haven’t finished your Christmas shopping yet, I have some suggestions below . . . Links are in the titles for each book.

Annie Yorty has a wonderful Christmas Devotional that I’m currently reading. It’s awesome! She shares delightful stories and information about 25 Symbols of Christmas.

Sandra Chambers recently published a children’s book. I ordered a copy for my grandchildren. I know they will enjoy this engaging story as much as I did. Maisie Discovers Her Fingerprint.

If you know a high school graduating senior this year, this devotional handbook can be an encouraging guide to help them adapt and succeed in their first year of college and beyond. College is a tough adjustment–our students benefit from advice, motivation, and some doses of tough love as they face the exciting, challenging, and sometimes terrifying adventure of college. Stay the Course: A Devotional Handbook to Survive and Thrive in Your First Year of College (and Beyond).

Stay The Course book cover

If you or someone you love wishes to make healthier lifestyle choices–this is the gift (for you or them) to begin a journey toward wellness and improved quality of life. Honoring God with my Body: Journey to Wellness and a Healthy Lifestyle offers practical advice, achievable goals, and encouragement to guide our pathway to better health.


  1. Have a lovely Christmas, Katherine. I thank God so much for our joy at Jesus’ birth.

  2. Barbara Latta says:

    Have a great holiday and enjoy this break, Katherine. We all need to re-evaluate our priorities and not stretch ourselves too thin. Merry Christmas!

  3. Terri Miller says:

    Have a wonderful Christmas, Katherine!

  4. Martha W Stultz says:

    Have a Blessed and Merry Christmas! Will miss your weekly posts but understand completely! Love you!!!!!!!

  5. Enjoy your break — a wise and prudent move. May you heart rest deeply in God during this month of rest and reflection.

  6. enjoy your break and have a blessed Christmas with your family!

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