The right paths
Psalm 23, attributed to the young shepherd, David, is a message of trust, faith, and hope. This psalm brings comfort to the faithful, the anxious, and those experiencing loss and grief. We turn to this scripture in times of tragedy, conflict, doubt, and sorrow to receive reassurance and peace from the shepherd’s timeless words.
The week’s message is Part 3 of a series focusing on Psalm 23.
He guides me along the right paths for his name’s sake. Psalm 23:3 (NIV)
Our life experiences impact our thoughts and actions. David is no exception. His vocation as a shepherd, dealing with the limitations and frailties of sheep, shaped the man he was to become. Sheep need guidance from the shepherd to survive. These creatures are timid, clumsy, have poor vision, and are not smart enough to stay out of harm’s way.
However, in one aspect of their lives, sheep are brilliant.
They know to follow the shepherd. Sheep are smart enough to realize they are lost without the shepherd. They trust their shepherd to lead them on the right paths to food, water, shelter, and safety.
Dr. Charles L. Allen* shares important wisdom on each verse of Psalm 23. The King James Version of scripture uses the term “leadeth” instead of “guides.” Dr. Allen points out that God does not promise us that our path in life will be easy or effortless. However, God does promise to grant us strength and His presence on our journey:
Notice that the psalm says, ‘He leadeth me.’ God doesn’t drive. He is climbing the same hill that we climb–man is not alone. As we take life one step at a time, we can walk with him the right paths.
God’s Psychiatry: Healing for Your Troubled Heart, pp. 29-30

How do we know those “right paths”?
Sometimes, that’s the hardest part. Temptations are everywhere. What we “want” to do may not be the same as what we “should” do. Some actions that can help us listen for our Lord’s guidance to choose the right path include:
- Have an active prayer life. Not just before meals or when we need something, but throughout the day, every day. And, especially when we have those tough decisions (or even decisions that initially seem easy).
- Be in God’s Word. Our Holy Bible shares much wisdom to guide our path with Jesus.
- Surround ourselves with those who follow the greatest commandments. We mutually support each other on our path of faith.
Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law? Jesus replied, “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.'” Matthew 22:37-39 (NIV)
When we surround ourselves with those who also strive to be God’s children, they will support us on our own journey to walk the right path. Whether we want to admit it or not, there will be times when we need others to pray for us, or provide an attitude adjustment when we get on the wrong path.
Above all, we need patience and humility to trust in our Lord, because our pride (oh, no, not that!) often gets in the way of following the right path. We want to be independent, in charge of our own destiny. We find it difficult to surrender and submit to our Lord. But…
Choosing to submit and surrender to God can be one of the most courageous decisions we ever make.
Surrender is definitely the MOST important decision we ever make.
Once we recognize the need to seek God’ guidance in all that we do, He is only a prayer away. And, then, of course, it’s our decision to LISTEN for God’s guidance.
Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you saying, “This is the way; walk in it.” Isaiah 30:21

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight. Proverbs 3:5-6
Prayer: Father, we are faced with many decisions, many turns in our journey, and many temptations to make choices that may not be the best for us. Help us to listen for your voice and be guided by You in all things. Thank You, Father, for loving us so much that You sent Jesus Christ, as our Savior, so that our most important decision is the path to eternal life with You. Help us make the right choice. And Father, we pray that you will guide us to follow our Shepherd–-to be as smart as those sheep.
*Dr. Charles L. Allen. God’s Psychiatry: Healing for Your Troubled Heart. Revell, Grand Rapids, 2015 (originally published in 1953).
Previous blogs in this series of Psalm 23:
Learning to recognize when we’re on the “right path” requires a strong, trusting relationship with God. Amen! Such great insights in this post ma’am; thank you!
You are right, my friend. And, a great blessing for us is that God nurtures us to continue to strengthen our relationship with Him throughout our life journey. Wishing you a blessed week and that all goes well for your mamas and babies (cows and calves).
Submit and surrender…excellent post. I love that He leads ❤
Me, too, Jeanne! We humans make such a muddle of it–we are blessed to have a loving Father and Savior to guide our paths. He is always just a prayer away.
I certainly make a mess of it when I try to lead. I’m with you–so thankful that our Savior and Shepherd leads the way.
We can be so much like those dumb sheep. We have poor vision and can’t see where to go that’s why we need the Shepherd. I love how you pointed out the characteristics of sheep because we , like them, are helpless without being led.
Recently, Barbara, I’ve been feeling a lot like a sheep–helpless. But, in those times, that’s when we most need to turn to our Lord for direction. I’m so thankful that He is always there. Wishing you good health and blessings, my friend.
Thanks for the reminder that the right paths aren’t always easy. The climb may be steep, but the Lord is always with us.
That’s what keeps us going, isn’t it, Joanna? If we didn’t have God climbing that hill with us, helping us over the rough spots, carrying us when we’re too weary to take another step, we’d be completely lost. Thank you for your encouraging words.
Viewing sheep as brilliant is a new perspective for me, but the point is strongly made and supported. They are smarter than many in the most important thing – realizing “they are lost without the shepherd.”
I know what you mean, Candyce. We’ve heard all our lives, how dumb sheep are, that they would be lost without the shepherd. But, we’re lost without our Shepherd, too! At least the sheep know that from the beginning–sometime we are slow learners and have to be continually rescued. I’m so thankful our Savior is always willing to lift us from the pit.
Choosing to submit and surrender to God can be one of the most courageous decisions we ever make.
Submission to Christ is the first big step and always one worth the internal struggle! Thanks so much Katherine!
Thank you for your encouraging response, Sylvia. As you remind us, that first step, giving our lives to Christ is BIG, but it’s only the beginning. From then on, there’s that daily submission of our will, the acknowledgment that we must continue to seek God’s will for our lives.
Katherine, I love the paragraph where you mention sheep are smart enough to follow their shepherd. Following Him is primary, but I sometimes stray onto my own path. Jesus is our loving, kind, yet firm Shepherd who guides us back to His path. Thank you for coaxing us back to what the sheep know—the safest place is with the Shepherd.
I also stray from His path, Jeannie, more often than I want to admit. I’m so thankful that we have a Shepherd that is faithful, patient, forgiving, and wiling to grant us multiple chances as He continues to shape us into what He knows we can be.
our pride certainly does sometimes get in the way of us following our Shepherd along His path. I really appreciated your continuing insights on Psalm 23!
Pride…oh, my, it creates a barrier between us and many of our dearest relationships. We are blessed that our Lord helps us break down that wall that separates us from Him, so that we not only can submit to Him and be guided by Him, we can build stronger and more loving relationships with others.
Listening for His voice when we’re surrounded by the clamor of the world is so key. You’ve shared such keys to staying on the path. Thank you for pointing us in the right direction.
Peace and grace,
I agree, Tammy, when the noise of our environment (work, home, social media, frustration, pride, conflict, envy…) overwhelms us and we drift away from our Lord, He is always right there–ready to save us from that danger. We just have to LISTEN to the voice of our Shepherd, calling us to return to the fold. It sounds so easy, doesn’t it? Thank you for your encouragement, Tammy. Wishing you continued blessings in your ministry.
Keeping our spiritual direction attuned to God’s will requires diligence. Great reminders here.
You are right, Nancy. DILIGENCE! When we try to stay on the right path, all sorts of obstacles lurk to block our way, knock us off into the depths of temptation, or convince us to turn away from our commitment to Jesus. The Good News is that our Savior is always there to support us when we falter. Thanks for encouraging us.