When we need light

Early one morning, this past week, my horses and I were up before sunrise. After their breakfast I led them to another pasture for grazing. Without the aid of the sun, our pathway was dark, definitely one of of those times when we need light.

School has started and I’m due to leave for Grandma duty by 7:00 a.m. As we approach fall, I’m caring for my horses well before the sun makes its appearance. I carry a flashlight, but when juggling the leading of two horses, it’s sometimes a challenge to focus on everything at once (such as looking at my feet).

Is that a snake?

Farm girls are careful about snakes. Not usually terrified, just careful–I want to see them first. In the dim light of dawn, along a tree lined path, a stick can resemble a snake, especially when I’m walking between two large horses who frequently snort and jump sideways at the least bit of excitement.

Luckily the stick pictured above was not the Copperhead snake that I imagined it might have been. but that didn’t stop my heart from going bumpity-bump when I first spied it at my feet.

When we need light

Obviously there are many other times we need light, besides when walking in the dark on a dirt pathway. A few might include:

  • Driving in our car at night or in a heavy rainstorm
  • When the dentist is working on our teeth or our doctor is checking our sore throat
  • As we stumble at night in our dark house to find the bathroom
  • Searching for something we’ve lost under our bed

When we most need light

But as I ponder the issue I recognize that the most important light with which we are blessed is Jesus–the light of the World. In the darkness of our world, and in the darkness of human nature, Jesus our Savior brings light. The Apostle John writes:

Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made. In him was life, and that life was the light of all mankind. The lights shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it. (John 1:3-5)

When we give ourselves to Jesus and He comes into our lives, He overcomes the darkness of our sins and brings light to our life. Through Him, we become a new creation to share His light and love with others.

Jesus told His followers (and we are gifted the same message):

“I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.” (John 8:12)

My puny flashlight can show my path on a dark morning, but only Jesus can light my pathway for a lifetime.

And the destination of that pathway is eternal life with Him.

I pray we choose His Light.


  1. We live in a rural area, and the hubster and I go jog (or walk) every day. Our motto: Every stick is a snake until proven otherwise.

    Thank You, Jesus, for being the Light in my life!

    1. Katherine Pasour says:

      Ha! Ha! Priscilla. I love that strategy–“every stick is a snake until proven otherwise.” That’s ideal for country living. Thank you for sharing a smile.

  2. I don’t like any kind of snakes. Along with watching for snakes on our daily walks, we have to watch for alligators in the neighborhood. There are many ponds and sometimes the gators travel through yards. Scary sights. I’m thankful for flashlights and good eyesight. Most of all, I’m thankful for the light of Jesus. Have a blessed week! 🙂

    1. Katherine Pasour says:

      Alligators! That’s worse than “lions, tiger, and bears.” Worse than snakes, too. Like you, I’m most thankful for the light of Jesus. Wishing you joy and blessings, Melissa.

  3. I’m so thankful for the light of God’s love through Jesus and how that light brightens whatever we do.

    1. Katherine Pasour says:

      I agree, Diana. Thank you for sharing the light of Jesus with others through your ministry.

  4. I don’t think there’s a more appropriate metaphor for Jesus than Light of the world. Can you imagine how dark our world would be without Him?

    1. Katherine Pasour says:

      That is a terrifying thought, Candyce. Life without the light of Jesus would be complete darkness. I can’t imagine how bad that would be–we’d be lost. We are so blessed to have Him always with us–in the world and in our hearts.

  5. I look for snakes this time of year too! I love the scripture you highlighted. We need light everyday and especially in these days.

    1. Katherine Pasour says:

      Yes, Debbie, it’s scary how much conflict and evil are in our world today. Thank you for your ministry to share the light. Blessings!

  6. Without Christ’s light, we have no hope. His light diminishes the false light from the serpent of lies, the devil.
    I can identify with thinking the stick was snake. I am always on the lookout in my yard when walking my dogs.

    1. Katherine Pasour says:

      Thank you for sharing your insight, Barbara. You are right; we’d have no hope without the light of Christ. Thank you for being a role model for us in sharing the light of Jesus.

  7. Terri Miller says:

    John 1:3-5 has always been one of my favorite passages. The light of Jesus cannot be extinguished.

    1. Katherine Pasour says:

      And that light brings us infinite blessings. Thank you, Terri.

  8. I love the hope you shared from John. Darkness has not, and will not ever, overcome the Light. Thank you, Katherine, for this reminder to remain in the Light.

    1. Katherine Pasour says:

      Thank you, Annie, for sharing the light through your ministry. As you point out, the light of Jesus will always overcome the darkness. May God continue to bless you in service to Him.

  9. Yvonne Morgan says:

    We do need the light of Christ to show us the way. I loved your analogy Katherine as it really made me think about the importance of light.

    1. Katherine Pasour says:

      Thank you, Yvonne. We cannot see without light–a reminder for me that Jesus, as the Light of the world, illuminates the pathway to Him, to eternal life. Peace and blessings!

  10. Several years ago, I woke my husband up screaming. A demon was dragging me out of bed—apparently, not an uncommon nightmare for people with sleep apnea. My husband turned on all the lights, but it took me a moment to orient myself. The darkness felt powerful and so real. I am so grateful for the secure knowledge that the darkness has not overcome the light. John certainly experienced a dark time of persecution when he penned that truth. No matter what we experience in this life, Jesus overcame it all.

    1. Katherine Pasour says:

      What a terrifying experience, Karisa. I’m glad your husband was with you that night and especially thankful that Jesus brought the light to us to conquer darkness and calm our fears. We are secure in His love for us. Peace and blessings.

  11. He lights our way one step at a time. I love His promise that darkness can’t extinguish His light. Light shines brighter in darkness. God bless!

    1. Katherine Pasour says:

      “He lights our way one step at a time.” I love that, Nancy. Thank you for sharing that beautiful assurance.

  12. When my husband and I saw two snakes last week in the daylight, we weren’t concerned. I was thankful they were non-venomous. Seeing them was better than encountering a grizzly bear or mountain lion on our hikes in Glacier National Park! Though I’m grateful we didn’t experience that, I’m even more thankful for the Light of Christ!

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