Just a bit more about balance

Last week, on Wellness Wednesday, I compared our human bodies to an orchestra working diligently to prepare for a symphony. Hard work, dedication, commitment, faithful practice, and perseverance combine in unity for the orchestra to achieve balance and harmony and produce beautiful music. Today, I share just a bit more about balance (helping our body to work toward “beautiful music”).

Traits and strategies the orchestra members use help us achieve balance in our health as we strive toward wellness and a healthy lifestyle.

To further clarify, I delve a little more into those six aspects (dimensions) of health I mentioned last week. I also have some questions for you–and a challenge of reflection.

Dimensions of Health


How do you feel? For example, are you sick or feeling great? (or somewhere in-between?). Can you do physical activities needed to have a good quality of life? God created our “fearfully and wonderfully made” (Psalm 139:14) bodies to move–can we?

All photos are courtesy of Pixabay


Are you a life-long learner? Did you stimulate your brain today–work those brain cells? How about what you eat–are you focused on foods your brain likes?


Are we able to express feelings appropriately? Do you have safe and effective strategies to cope with stress? How about a support group when needed? Loving relationships or conflict?


Humans are created to be social beings and we need relationships. Isolation isn’t good for us. Do you have healthy social relationships?


Our vocation is what we are called to do–our purpose in life. We are blessed if our career is our vocation, but sometimes the two may be separate. Either way, our vocation, our calling, powerfully impacts our health. How are you feeling about your purpose in life right now?


I mention this one last, but it’s the most important. Our relationship with our Lord is the most vital aspect of our lives. We nurture that relationship through praise and worship, prayer, Bible study, and our interactions with other believers. And if we struggle with achieving a healthy lifestyle, our Father is our most important resource and helper.

My challenge for you…

  • Please spend a few moments thinking about the questions I asked you in each category.
  • Do you feel these dimensions of health are balanced in your life? Or are a few perhaps a little out of balance?
  • If possible, set aside a few moments each day to ask yourself how you did in that area. Were you able to do something positive in each dimension of health?
  • Was there something you could do differently in an area that would have been healthier for you?

Have I depressed you?

Are you saying, “Oh, my!” I pray not. Recognizing where we may be out of balance is a step toward making some healthy lifestyle changes. Please let me know how I may pray for you. I welcome questions–either in the comments or on the contact page of this website.

Next week’s wellness message won’t be so complicated! I wish you a blessed week.

I wrote on this subject, “Finding Balance,” several years ago; however, the message is still relevant to this Wellness Wednesday post. There are even some strategies to help you find balance (if you’re up for reading a little more):

Finding Balance, Part 1

Finding Balance, Part 2


  1. Katherine, I do love the way you incorporated our entire being in your health prescription. We are social beings. God made us for fellowship with Him and with each other. We need to take care of each area our lives. Blessings for a great week!

    1. Katherine Pasour says:

      Thank you for your encouragement, Barbara. I think if we were more aware of how the different aspects of our health interact, we could ward off some health issues before they become so troublesome and negatively affect our overall health. But it takes practice for us to analyze and reflect on each area and adjust as needed. Wishing you joy and blessings.

  2. Thank you Katherine for showing us our many dimensions and how our imbalance in one area affects others. You gave us great questions for self assessment.

    1. Katherine Pasour says:

      Thank you, Marilyn. That self assessment stuff is hard, don’t you think? I’m so glad our Father is with us on the journey. Blessings!

  3. Terri Miller says:

    Sometimes I struggle with feeling like there’s not enough time to give attention to all of these aspects. I have been thinking about this a lot lately. How do I squeeze out time for relationships, vocation, work, quiet time with the Lord and physical exercise? I am actively working on trying to cultivate a balanced life. I’m finding that when I spend time with the Lord, he helps me with the rest.

    1. Katherine Pasour says:

      I agree, Terri. In order for us to achieve balance, we must seek God’s help. I’m so glad you’re already on the path with Him. Trying to balance a busy lifestyle, especially with family needs, is tough. It’s not likely that we can accomplish balance all at once, it takes time and continued focus. I compare it to a roller coaster. Lot’s of ups and downs and twists and turns. But God is with us on the journey. I’m praying for you!

  4. J.D. Wininger says:

    Can’t say that I can pass the test this morning, as I’m pretty sure I’ve got a “stone in my hoof” Ms. Katherine, so I can relate to your questions about balance. Of course, what I need is to release my foot to God so He can remove it before it bruises me more. When any of these dimensions get out of whack they can change our gait as we try and compensate for it. The result most often is that this causes more issues elsewhere. Great post, and am living your new book, “Honoring God With My Body”; thank you ma’am.

    1. Katherine Pasour says:

      I’m so sorry, my friend, I hope you can rest that hoof some and the bruise will heal. Of course, I know there’s not much rest for farmers and ranchers, but I’m so thankful you’re taking some steps toward healthier choices. God is with you, J.D. and I’m praying for you.

  5. I am thankful you shared this message today. I needed to read this one. 🙂

    1. Katherine Pasour says:

      Thank you, Melissa. I hope you feel my good wishes and encouragement across the miles. May God bless you and bring you peace and joy.

  6. Today, I think I need to improve upon my eating habits to be in balance. Tomorrow, it may be something else! 🙂

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