Purple Petunias

Positive ways to handle stress (Alternatives to screaming!)

When you’re feeling really tired, stressed, glum, or frustrated…

What do you do to feel better? Do you have some activities for therapy?

I’m not talking about a psychologist or therapist here, but activities that help us release stress in a healthy and appropriate manner.

Hmmm, when I put APPROPRIATE in the equation, that leaves out screaming, arguing with family, slamming doors, road rage, etc.

What are appropriate ways to handle difficult or stressful situations?

For me, my “go to” task that really acts as a stress reliever is yard work.



Unloading a trailer of mulch and spreading in the flower garden takes a lot of time, physical commitment, and persistence. Physical labor, that brings results, can be a great stress reliever. If you enjoy flowers, as I do, yard work is wonderful therapy!




But, you may not have a yard or don’t enjoy that activity. There are many alternative methods to constructively help you cope with stress.

Exercise is a wonderful way to ease tension and help us think through problems. We cannot always resolve the issue through physical activity, but time away from the problem and physical exertion can help us better deal with difficult situations.

Jogging or walking at a brisk pace can ease frustration and clear our minds. Especially when the weather is beautiful, just being outside can be of great benefit. Just remember to protect yourself from the sun and stay hydrated (water is GOOD for you!)


Yoga is another excellent activity that provides both physical and mental benefits. Finding a partner or friend to exercise with helps you encourage each other. On the other hand, your physical activity time may be your quiet time. Whatever works for you! Remember, strive for 60 minutes of activity daily!

There are an unlimited amount of activities or tasks that you can select to be your “go to” stress reliever. Whether you choose physical activity, reading, watching a movie, crafts, or sky diving–be careful not to choose an unhealthy option. Smoking, other drugs, alcohol, overeating, or bouts of anger are negative reactions to stress. Any action that can cause harm to you or others is not an acceptable response to stress.

Prayer and meditation may be our most important activity of all to help us stay balanced and healthy. When we combine healthy eating, a regular exercise program, and appropriate activities for enjoyment, we help keep ourselves physically and mentally healthy.

If you have some healthy and appropriate activities that help you through stressful times, please feel free to share in the comment section below.

Happy Mother’s Day!