Take a moment

This morning, as I trudged back from chores, I pulled my gaze away from my feet to take a moment to scan the majestic oak trees that I ordinarily take for granted. Poised against the crisp blue of January skies, they stand tall and brave, not ashamed of their bareness. Their strength, courage, and beauty gifted me with hope for the new day.

Take a moment

Sometimes we need to take a moment to remind ourselves of the beauty of God’s creation, His gift of the seasons, and the miracle of His masterful design of our Earth. But taking a walk in nature is not only a reminder of God’s gift, it can be a moment of escape from our long to-do list or a helpful activity to relieve our stress. When we don’t have the opportunity to escape by walking, there are other actions we can take to help us relax, regroup, or refocus.

When do we need to take a moment?

We might need to take a moment more often than we realize. How about when…

  • We’re under a deadline to complete a project and pressure is mounting.
  • We have way too many things on our to-do list.
  • We forgot an important task or meeting.
  • We have an unexpected crisis and we aren’t sure how to proceed.
  • We’re overwhelmed with responsibilities and don’t know what to do.
  • We’ve had a disagreement with spouse, family member, colleague, or friend.
  • We’re just having a bad day.

So how do we take a moment?

  • We can start with a deep breath.
  • Perhaps close our eyes on that deep breath.
  • Take a moment to focus on something uplifting–choose a blessing and give thanks.
  • If we’re trapped inside in front of a computer or another task, take a moment to look away from our work. Even better, take a longer moment and take a brief walk, or gaze out the window.
  • If we’re engaged in a task that demands our complete attention and we cannot look away, even for a moment, send a silent prayer for perseverance to complete the necessary task (then take a moment!)
  • If our stress, or need for a moment, is resulting from confrontation with another person, take a moment to pray for them.

I’m not encouraging you to leave prayer as a last resort–prayer should be first on our list, but I also strongly believe in emergency prayers.

What strategies do you use when you need a moment to relax, regroup, or compose yourself in a stressful situation? I invite you to share your thoughts to help others.

And when we need it–let’s take a moment…or two…

Wishing you a blessed day, my friends.


  1. J.D. Wininge says:

    Great thoughts today Ms. Katherine. I’m always refreshed when I take a break from afall my “busy” to relax and appreciate all that God has prepared for us. In those bare, leafless trees (we get a few) and in the fields that lay fallow, I’m reminded of God’s call to rest in Him. For everything, there is a season. God’s blessings, and remember to take your own advice sweet friend.

    1. Katherine Pasour says:

      I’m trying to do better about “taking a moment” (a break) to have rest in Jesus. It’s hard for me–I seem to have a need to stay busy all the time. But I’m working on it and I appreciate your prayers and encouragement. Thank you, kind sir.

  2. Katherine, these are all wonderful recommendations. People are quick to change the channel on the television when they need to focus on something else, but don’t realize that it’s more important to sometimes “switch the channel” in their brain as well.

    1. Katherine Pasour says:

      Love your analogy, Dottie. We do need to learn to “switch the channel” to get those moments of rest in Jesus. Easier said than done, sometimes. Thank you for stopping by and sharing your thoughts. Wishing you joy and blessings and many of those moments with our Lord.

  3. A brief get-away, usually a walk, makes a world of difference. Thank you for all the suggestions, Katherine.

    1. Katherine Pasour says:

      Those walking breaks are good for us–mind, body, heart, and soul. I look forward to my walks–they’re great for stress relief, keep our heart strong, provide meditation and prayer time, and are wonderful for sharing our thoughts with God. Blessings!

  4. Very wise suggestions, Katherine. I enjoy doing something creative in those moments. Sometimes I’ll just step away and play a song on the piano. Thanks!

    1. Katherine Pasour says:

      What a great way to “take a moment” by playing the piano. That’s a wonderful gift–you not only receive a blessing–you share with others. Thank you, Annie. Music gives joy and shares with others, too.

  5. Great ideas for those times we all need to pause! Thanks, Katherine. May you have time to pause for refreshment each day in this new year, my friend!

    1. Katherine Pasour says:

      Thank you, Kathy. I pray you also have those opportunities to pause for refreshment. I expect you can look out your window at the winter scenery and receive the “take a moment” blessing. What a marvelous gift our Father has given us by His creation of the Earth (and letting us live here!)

  6. When I need time to renew and refresh, I enjoy stepping outside and basking in the warmth of the sunshine. If there is no sunshine, I can still bask in the warmth of the Father’s love. 🙂 Nature sounds bring me peace.

    1. Katherine Pasour says:

      What a beautiful picture, Melissa, “basking in the warmth of sunshine” and “basking in the warmth of the Father’s love.” I love being out in nature, too. Walking, sitting, working outside brings peace and is refreshing and renewing (as you point out). Thank you for sharing your insights. Wishing you sunshine and time to be with God in His Creation.

  7. Taking a break can refresh us to be more productive and beat a deadline. Nice post, Katherine! God bless!

    1. Katherine Pasour says:

      We need those breaks, don’t we? Sometimes I forget to take one and realize latter that I could have done a much better job on whatever task I was focused if I’d stepped away to “take a moment.” Thank you for your encouragement, Nancy, you sent a ray of sunshine on this dreary, cloudy day.

  8. Thanks Katherine. I also take a moment by looking up at the trees against the blue sky when I walk. It always takes my breath away and reminds me of the Goodness of God.

    1. Katherine Pasour says:

      Me, too, and in the winter, the skies are often such a lovely shade of blue it’s beyond my ability to describe. We are so blessed to be residents of this amazing planet God created. God is Good! Wishing you peace and blessings, my friend.

  9. This post certainly contains wonderful advice to pause and renew our minds in pressing times. I often whisper a prayer of surrender to avoid inappropriate reactions to pressures from people and circumstances of life. I’ll be rereading this one. Thanks Katherine.

    1. Katherine Pasour says:

      Your whispered prayer, when in the midst of pressure or volatile circumstances is a wonderful strategy. When I look back, I can think of so many circumstances when prayer would have helped me make a better decision or keep my mouth shut. Thankfully, God is patient with me and I’m doing better about praying and controlling myself. Thank you for sharing that wise insight. Blessings!

  10. Terri Miller says:

    When I’m feeling overwhelmed, I try to remind myself “this won’t last forever”. Whatever situation I’m in will eventually change in some way. Sometimes, it’s me that changes, and perhaps, that was the point all along. Thanks Katherine.

    1. Katherine Pasour says:

      Your comment hits right to the heart of the matter, Terri. Sometimes God sends trials and challenges, not just to test us, but to help us grow in faith. and I agree wholeheartedly that He wants us to change in some way. He’s been shaping me for years, molding me into what He knows I can be. I’m so grateful that He doesn’t give up on us. Wishing you joy and blessings.

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