When we overindulge in food

I confess–sometimes I overindulge in food. Does that happen to you? Did you eat too much over the Thanksgiving holidays?

So…what to do about that?

Don’t give up!

First and most importantly, don’t consider it a forever failure when you overindulge, but recognize that we shouldn’t eat every day like it’s Thanksgiving.

To express it another way–Don’t give up on trying to make healthy eating choices just because you “mess up” and overeat.

Ways to get back on track with healthy eating:

  • Purge the desserts and sweets from your house–(give away or throw away).
  • Waste the unhealthy foods! I’m sure, like me, you were probably taught not to waste food; however, unhealthy food goes to your waist. A better place for fats and sugar than your waist is in the trash.
  • Eat lots of fresh fruits and vegetables–these healthy foods are packed with healthy nutrients and are filling (to help you not eat the unhealthy stuff).
  • Avoid fried foods, fast food, and processed foods.
  • Move more! If you have a regular exercise program, go for it! If you don’t have an established workout plan, try to walk more, sit less, and add activities which involve more movement.

Most things in our lives involve struggle, hard work, and perseverance. Developing healthy eating habits can be a hard struggle, but I encourage you to persevere.

Just remember–Keep trying!

We honor our Father when we do our best to care for the body He gifted to us.


    1. Katherine Pasour says:

      Thank you for providing encouragement, Diana. I’m blessed by your kindness. Wishing you a wonderful December as we celebrate the birth of our Lord. Hopefully we’ll do so in worship, praise, and sharing love and not too much overindulging in food (I’m reminding myself).

  1. Great advice! I’m trying to focus on the blueberries and not the luscious cake, but it sure looks good! 🙂

    1. Katherine Pasour says:

      I’m with you, LuAnn. I love fruit, but sweets are my weakness. Wishing you a December filled with love, joy, and peace (and a little bit of ice cream cake!)

  2. I love the freedom to overindulge a bit and choose richer foods on Thanksgiving. Because I know it’s not my normal. I struggle with throwing anything out–particularly food I’ve labored to prepare. But it’s served its purpose that day so out the door with my hungry sons it goes. Great encouragement here post-Thanksgiving. Many are far too hard on themselves and it only sets up for downward spiral.

    1. Katherine Pasour says:

      Thank you, Mary. I usually send away food, too. Happy to share. Like you, I enjoy some indulging on holidays, but as you point out, we don’t let it be our normal. Wishing you a joyful December and good health and happiness as we spring into the New Year. How can it be 2023?

  3. Thanks for encouraging us to stay the course. Holiday foods call us to overindulgence. Thanks for calling us away from the sugar and carb fog. God bless!

    1. Katherine Pasour says:

      We need encouragement this time of year to enjoy a little of the delicious holiday foods, while being careful not to set up a pattern of unhealthy eating. It’s so easy to gain a few pounds over the holidays when there’s so much good food to tempt us. Over the years, that can really add up. I’m so thankful for your encouragement, Nancy. Wishing you a wonderful December, filled with joy and love (and just a little indulgence in holiday feasting). Blessings!

  4. Thanks for the encouragement, Katherine. It does help to have a “fitness” coach and you are great at reminding us to keep our priorities straight. With Christmas around the corner we do need to be mindful of all those treats,that will soon be available to us.

    1. Katherine Pasour says:

      Those holiday treats will likely be tempting us from now until the New Year arrives. I think it helps when we encourage each other, whether it be eating healthy foods, having a writer’s group, or being in a Bible study together. We need social time, healthy relationships, and encouragement from friends and family to guide us on our journey. But most important, of course, we need our Lord’s guidance. I hope your Christmas is wonderful and you are able to celebrate with family. Wishing you safe travels.

  5. JD Wininger says:

    For me, it’s less the sweets and more the chicken-fried steak, chicken and dumplings, chicken or beef vegetable soup (with homemade biscuits for soppin’ of course). My favorite meals often tempt me to overindulge. As those who’ve met me can attest, I give into that particular temptation a lot! 🙂 Great, godly counsel my friend. Thank you!

    1. Katherine Pasour says:

      I understand, J.D. Although sweets are my greatest weakness, I have some favorite meals where I tend to overindulge, too. I’ve learned that tomorrow is another day and I can stop before I’m uncomfortably full and save some for later. Thank you for sharing–it lets us know we’re not alone when it comes to trying to resist overeating on some of those really tempting foods. Wishing you a blessed week, my friend, and sending a prayer that, when needed, you can moderate your portions of those awesome tasting (but overly rich) foods.

  6. Thank you Katherine! I needed this to help me shed five unwanted pounds. I’m thankful our paths crossed because your expert advice is needed. Keep writing sweet lady.

    1. Katherine Pasour says:

      Thank you, Lisa. Sending a prayer and a virtual hug of encouragement, that you can make healthy food choices and be granted the strength to resist some of those tempting delights that help us add on those pounds. The holidays are a challenging time for those of us striving to make healthy choices. Sending positive thoughts your way.

  7. My answer is, “Yes, I did.”
    Amen to all of the above! You are always encouraging and give sound advice.
    Thank you, Katherine.

    1. Katherine Pasour says:

      I think most of us overindulge on the wonderful foods we have on holidays and special occasions. The key, of course, is not to continue the habit–but that’s hard when all those foods taste so good! When we’re struggling to get back to healthy eating, we need encouragement from family, friends, and especially from our Lord–He wants us to enjoy the celebrations, but He also desires that we live a healthy life to honor His gift to us. Wishing you a happy and blessed holiday season, Connie.

  8. Thanks Katherine for the encouragement. Gotta admit to a bit of discouragement over the whole losing weight thing. Appreciate your “Keep trying” advice.

    1. Katherine Pasour says:

      Sylvia, I’m so sorry–I did not mean to cause discouragement. My goal was entirely the opposite, to encourage a proactive approach to help us avoid the discouragement of an extra pound or two. The most important things during the Christmas season are remembering and celebrating the birth of our Lord, having a joyous time with our family, and looking ahead to another year of service to our Father. When you begin to feel some discouraging thoughts, I hope you have a spot you can take a walk. I always find that a helpful way to walk closer to God, while at the same time, doing something healthy for me.

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