Why is water so good for us?

What’s your favorite beverage? Is water at the top of the list or your least favorite? Nutritionists and health experts advise us to drink more water, but why is water so good for us?

Water is essential for good health

Water plays a significant role in the good health of our bodies: According to Harvard Health Publishing, water…

  • Is important to supply nutrients and oxygen to our cells.
  • Flushes bacteria from our bladder to help prevent infections.
  • Aids in digestive processes.
  • Helps prevent constipation.
  • Assists in maintaining a normal blood pressure.
  • Cushions our joints.
  • Protects organs and tissues.
  • Regulates our body temperature.
  • Helps maintain electrolytes (sodium) balance.

That’s an impressive list, don’t you think? But there’s more. Drinking adequate amounts of water helps us maintain a healthier weight. And if we drink water instead of sweetened beverages, we reduce inflammation and help prevent chronic diseases, particularly diabetes.

How to drink more water

  • If water is not already your primary beverage, consider committing to drinking more water each day.
  • Reduce the amount of sugary beverages consumed and replace with water.
  • If you consume diet sodas, recognize that artificial sweeteners and chemicals in diet drinks are not good for you and try to reduce and replace with water.
  • If you add sugar, artificial sweetener, or creamers to your coffee or tea, try to reduce or eliminate those additives.
  • If you don’t like the taste of water, add slices of orange, lemon, cucumber, or other fruits to your water to enhance the flavor.
  • Measure out 32 to 64 ounces of water in the morning to know how much water you are consuming and strive toward the 64.
Image by Photo Mix from Pixabay

Your body will say “Thank you!”

Your body will appreciate your efforts to reduce unhealthy beverages and drink more water. Small changes, implemented consistently, can make a positive difference in your health and quality of life.


  1. Water is my go to drink but I admit I sometimes bore of it. Infusing it with slices of fruit is a great idea and alters the taste in a positive and healthy way.

    I didn’t know that it cushions our joints! I need more of that.

    I tend to get a headache when I let myself get dehydrated, but drinking enough water keeps the headaches away.

    1. Katherine Pasour says:

      Candyce, like you, I sometimes like a change of beverage, but I’m glad that I really like water, so an occasional sweet tea will last me quite a while before I get the urge for another. I don’t like the taste of soda so I consider that a blessing. I get headaches and weak knees when I’m dehydrated so I have to be conscious of that, especially when working outside. Thank you for sharing. I hope you made it safely through the recent storms. Blessings!

  2. I “think” I drink enough water but I like the idea of measuring and using the container to be sure. Thanks!

    1. Katherine Pasour says:

      Measuring is a great strategy for those who are just beginning to add more water. It’s also a good “check up” to see if we’re really drinking as much as we should. I’m glad you like water, Marilyn, it’s a good habit to have. Hope your day is blessed.

  3. Wonderful advice 👏
    I love that you give the reasons why.

    I’m glad to say that water is my primary beverage.

    1. Katherine Pasour says:

      Connie, I’m so glad you like water–it’s so good for us. Wishing you a great week with no storms. And if those storms come (which they will), I’m thankful you’re safe in the love of our Lord.

  4. J.D. Wininger says:

    Given I get leg cramps at night now and again, I could stand to drink more water than I do (maybe a gallon per day). Can’t say it’s my favorite drink though. That would have to be coffee. LOL Does water with Crystal Light Lemonade count? I drink a lot of that during hay season.

    1. Katherine Pasour says:

      Water tastes mighty fine after long hours in the fields, but I understand it’s not everyone’s favorite beverage. I get those leg cramps sometimes, too, and they are absolutely no fun. Farmer Bob was a coffee drinker, too. He loved it, but he’d switch over to water and drink lots of it from lunch time on. Water helps prevent dehydration. Crystal Light will help, but I still encourage you to replace some of your beverages with water whenever you can. Stay safe and healthy, kind sir, and as always, I appreciate your support and encouragement.

  5. My beverages of choice are water and decaf or herbal tea. It’s possible to drink too much water, but I don’t believe I’ve come close yet. Thanks, Katherine. God bless!

    1. Katherine Pasour says:

      You’re right, Nancy, it is possible to drink too much water, but the reverse (not enough water) is the most prevalent in our society. I’m glad you like water and balance it with decaf and herbal tea. Good choices. Wishing you a blessed week!

  6. I love water so much I have to be careful not to overdo it. Otherwise, my sodium level gets too low. Not a problem many people have, Nancy. Thanks for the post, Katherine.

    1. Katherine Pasour says:

      Diana, loving water is a great habit, but it is important to have the appropriate balance for our gender, current health status, body size, and age. It sounds like you’re already aware of that. Thank you for sharing and wishing you peace and blessings.

  7. I love to put lemon or lime in my water and mint in my tea. Drinking water does make a difference in how I feel. Thanks for these tips of healthy wisdom, Katherine.

    1. Katherine Pasour says:

      Barbara, I like those flavors in my water, too. Makes for a special treat. Thank you for your encouragement, my friend.

  8. Water is my go-to drink and has been for many years. But I confess, I love cafe mochas too! I make my own to save money, but they do add calories!

    1. Katherine Pasour says:

      I’m so glad you like water, LuAnn. It’s easier for us who enjoy water to get the amounts we need daily, but a lot harder for those who dislike water and feel as if they’re forcing themselves. I keep reminding them it takes practice to learn to like water (not sure they believe me). Ah–cafe mochas–I’m not a coffee drinker, but I expect I feel the same tug to drink my hot chocolate. I think we’re okay as long as we practice moderation. Blessings!

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